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Episode 93: Unified Mindfulness with guest Julianna Raye

About Julianna Raye

Julianna Raye received her BA in Psychology from Duke University and is devoted to deepening people’s understanding of research-supported mindfulness. She has been training individuals and groups in the Unified Mindfulness system for two decades. As CEO, lead content developer and head trainer at Unified Mindfulness, she is dedicated to disseminating Shinzen Young’s comprehensive mindfulness meditation system through the creation and presentation of educational programs and teacher-training certification programs. With more than 150 weeks of immersive silent retreat training in both the mindfulness and Zen traditions, Julianna has completed over 20,000 hours of formal practice. She has also co-authored research in peer reviewed journals, including Mindfulness and The Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.

Unified Mindfulness

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